ATRI XPRESS is one leader transporter cater document shipment with type Courier services. Atri Xpres provide sample shipment from Tangerang to tangerang, Jakarta, Bekasi, Cikarang, Kerawang, Bogor,Banten, Bandung, Cirebon, Tegal, Semarang, Tegal, Surabaya, Yogya, Solo, Medan etc. with support GPS System and expert staff, Atri Xpress handle your shipment safety, fast and comfort. Atri Xpress has own Truckings, agent in several destination in Java and Sumatera. Therefore when you need Intercity and Intersuler please do not hesitate contact us 6221 94797129/6285927486136 – 628111337567, email: Thank you for your attention, hopefully will be your partner and do business together.